Housing Authority

About the Housing Authority

The City of Dodgeville Housing Authority is a government agency that operates and manages the Housing Choice voucher Program (formerly Section 8 vouchers) in the City of Dodgeville. The program is a partnership between families, landlords, and the Housing Authority.  Housing assistance is provided on behalf of the individuals or families, they are able to find their own housing. The housing types include apartments, single family homes or townhomes.

Click HERE to find out more about the housing choice voucher program or to apply now!


About the Housing Authority Committee

The appointed committee is responsible for the oversight of the program, they meet monthly to ensure that everything is working as it should.

City of Dodgeville Housing Authority Members
Member Current Term Expires in April of Stated Year
Terry Edwards, Chair 2025
Tom DeVoss 2025
Mary Pipal 2029
Patricia Rock 2028
Gretta Stilson 2026
Jeff Thomas 2028
John Ziehr 2027


Governing the Housing Authority

The following documents are used to govern the Dodgeville Housing Authority.  These documents are reviewed annually by the Board, and updated as needed.