This Chapter of the City's municipal code relates to Zoning. It is the general intent of this chapter to regulate and restrict the use of all structures, lands and waters; regulate and restrict lot coverage, population distribution and density, and the size and location of all structures so as to lessen congestion in and promote the safety and efficiency of the streets and highways; secure safety from fire, flooding, panic and other dangers; provide adequate light, air, sanitation and drainage; prevent overcrowding; avoid undue population concentration; facilitate the adequate provision of public facilities and utilities; stabilize and protect property values; further the appropriate use of land and conservation of natural resources; preserve and promote the beauty of the City; and implement the City comprehensive plan or plan components. It is further intended to provide for the administration and enforcement of this chapter and to provide penalties for its violation.
Ordinance/Resolution ID:
Chapter 17
Ordinance/Resolution Status:
Adopted Date:
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Public Hearing Date:
Tuesday, September 21, 2021