Open Records Request Procedure

  • ACCIDENT REPORTS handled by the City of Dodgeville Police Department can be obtained by clicking HERE or on the link at the bottom of the page..
  • Authorization for inspection of records shall be processed through the Records Custodian.
  • Records open to inspection are those identified by applicable federal, state, local and case law including WI SS. Chap. 19.  Records may be released or inspected via written request.  If records contain non-releasable data, the records to be released will be redacted where necessary prior to release.  Actions to approve or deny release will be noted on the Open Records Request form with a copy being given to the requestor and a copy maintained within the Record.
  • Notice for the Public:  The lobby displays a notice containing a description of the police legal custodian from whom and the methods whereby, the public may obtain information and access to records, make requests for records, or obtain copies of records and the costs.
  • Requests for records will be made to the Chief or Lieutenant via an employee.  Such request will be submitted in person, by fax, US mail or email and will use the required Open Records request form.  
  • Responses to written requests will be made as soon as possible but normally within ten business days.  Written request denials will inform the requestor for the denial reason and that the denial is subject to review on application to the DA’s office or to the WI Attorney General, WI SS. 19.37(4)(b).