Notice of Public Hearing - Linn St CDBP-PF

Dodgeville City Hall, 100 E Fountain St, Dodgeville, WI;  April 5, 2023 at 5:30 pm

The City of Dodgeville will conduct a public hearing regarding its proposed application for Community Development Block Grant – Public Facilities (CDBG –PF) funds. The infrastructure project includes sanitary sewer, water, storm sewer, and street reconstruction of Linn Street, from E. Polk Street to one block south, and on E. Polk Street from South Union Street to one block east.

The public is invited to attend to learn about the CDBG program, to help identify additional community development needs, and to comment on the activities proposed to be included in the CDBG application.
The agenda for the public hearing is:

  1. Identification of potential available funds
  2. Eligible CDBG activities
  3. Presentation of identified community development needs
  4. Identification of community development needs by the public
  5. Presentation of activities proposed for CDBG application
  6. Citizen input regarding proposed and other CDBG activities

Residents of the City of Dodgeville are encouraged to attend, especially residents with low- to moderate-incomes.

The meeting room is handicapped accessible. Persons needing additional accommodations should contact Lauree Aulik, Clerk, 100 E Fountain Street, Dodgeville, WI: Phone 608-930-5228.