
Format: 2024
Resolutions Table
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
2021-1054 Designating Public Depository and Authorizing Withdrawal of City Moneys Tue 12/7/21 Link
2021-1053 Approving the 2022 City Budget and Setting Tax Levy Tue 11/23/21 Link
2021-1052 Establishing Parameters of the Sale of $1.925M GO Bonds Tue 11/23/21 Link
2021-1051 Authorizing the Borrowing of $700,000 for TID 3 Development Tue 11/16/21 Link
2021-1050 Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy for Tax-Exempt and Tax-Advantaged Governmental Bonds Tue 11/16/21 Link
2021-1049 Addition to Stop Signs to Official Map Tue 11/2/21 Link
2021-1048 Conditional Use Permit for Iowa County Law Enforcement Center Tue 11/2/21 Link
2021-1047 Authorizing Lease of Real Estate (Armory) Tue 10/19/21 Link
2021-1046 Bond Sale Parameters Tue 10/19/21 Link
2021-1045 Bond Sale Notice to Electors Tue 10/19/21 Link
2021-1044 Authorizing Bond Sale for TID Improvements Tue 10/19/21 Link
2021-1043 Ward Plan Tue 10/5/21 Link
2021-1042 Certified Survey Map (CSM 1890) Tue 10/5/21 Link
2021-1041 Conditional Use Permit - Storage Units Tue 10/5/21 Link
2021-1040 2020 CMAR Tue 6/15/21 Link
2021-1039 Assignment of Year End Fund Balances Tue 6/15/21 Link
2021-1038 Support of Increase Shared Revenue Tue 5/18/21 Link
2021-1037 Designating Official Newspaper Tue 4/20/21 Link
2021-1036 Designating Public Depositories Tue 4/20/21 Link
2021-1035 Budget Resolution 2021-01 Tue 4/20/21 Link
2021-1034 Authorizing the Direct Charge of Public Fire Protection Tue 3/16/21 Link
2021-1029 Termination of TID 2 Tue 3/16/21 Link
2021-1028 Authorize the Submittal of CDIG Application for Dodgeville Dental Clinic Wed 2/17/21 Link
