Park Shelter Rentals Begin March 1st!

Park Shelter

Park Shelters are available for private group use on a rental basis by residents, civic groups, commercial groups and non-resident groups.  The policies that follow are needed to insure the proper use and control of the shelters so that all people may equally enjoy them.  You are responsible for reviewing all the policies list below.  

Reservations: Reservations are now made online at RecDesk.  If you have any questions about the process, please direct them to the City of Dodgeville Clerk's Office at 608-930-9485 or  Reservations will occur on a first come, first serve basis and can be made the first working day in March for the calendar year.  The full rental fee must be submitted to schedule and finalize a reservation.  Reservations are $60 per shelter per day for City residents & $75 per shelter per day for non-city resident.  Reservations at RecDesk are made with a credit/debit card.  You may provide cash or check for a reservation in person at the Clerk's Office, but you will still have to go through the RecDesk process to create an account. 

Park Shelter Rentals





Centennial Park Shelter #1 26' 5" x 38' 5" 15 - 6 Ft. Picnic Tables
Centennial Park Shelter #2 36' x 38' 15- 6 Ft. Picnic Tables
Centennial Park Shelter #3 24' x 32' 9 - 8 Ft. Picnic Tables
Harris Park Shelter #1 20' x 24' 9 - 6 Ft. Picnic Tables
Harris Park  Herb Shelter 20' x 24' 6 - 8 Ft. Picnic Tables
Harris Park Irene Shelter 20' x 24' 6 - 8 Ft. Picnic Tables
Harris Park Concession Stand 20' x 14' Refrigerator Only
Wilson Park Shelter #1 22' x 30' 9 - 8 Ft. Picnic Tables