Mobile Food Vending Permit

Food Truck

Per Chapter 12.12 of the City's Municipal Code, any person operating, conducting or managing within the City a mobile food establishment shall obtain a mobile food vending permit.  A permit shall not be required for any private party, picnic, event or gathering where the general public is not invited, nor when such mobile food vending occurs entirely on private property.

To Apply

Applicants will need:  

  • A copy of Proof of Registration for the Vehicle
  • Copies of driver’s license for all vehicle operators
  • A copy of the business's WI Seller's Permit
  • A copy of the business's mobile or transient Retail Food Establishment License from the WI Dept of Ag, Trade & Consumer Protection
  • A complete and signed application.  
  • Payment:  An annual permit is $200 and runs May 1 - April 30th.  A single event permit is $20/day up to 3 total days.