Dodgeville City Hall
100 E. Fountain St.
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Phone: 608-930-5228
Fax: 608-930-3520
Class A - Notice of Spring Election
City of Dodgeville
April 5, 2022
Election Details
An election is to be held in the City of Dodgeville, on Tuesday, April 5, 2022. The following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed:
Office Incumbent
Mayor Todd D. Novak
Alderperson, District 1 Roxanne Reynolds-Lair
Alderperson, District 2 Vacant
Alderperson, District 3 Jerry Johnson
Alderperson, District 4 Larry Tremelling
Office Terms
The term for mayor and alderperson begins on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. All terms are for two years unless otherwise indicated.
District Boundaries
Information concerning aldermanic district boundaries may be obtained from Lauree Aulik, City Clerk/Treasurer at City Hall located at 100 E. Fountain St, Dodgeville, WI 53533.
For Candidates
The first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2021, and the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, in the office of the city clerk.
Primary Election
If a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
Additional Information
Acceptable Photo ID will be required to vote at this election. If you do not have a photo ID you may obtain a free ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Done in the City of Dodgeville, on November 18, 2021.
Lauree Aulik, City Clerk/Treasurer